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Bring here the rest (more than twenty, which belong to different fields of science and technology), I did not find it appropriate in terms of the volume occupied by the page. About them we will talk with the individual specific persons to visit our club, who are interested in this or that region.

The harvest device (patent N.2074 А2) take-off - a landing strip of airdromes

The short description: - The offered device is some superstructure on a concrete surface of a strip. In a superstructure iron-concrete and metal details are used. By means of the last, on a strip surface is formed an additional strip of rather small height. Thereby between an additional strip and a runway surface appears thin, but wide air volume. On the long party of a runway to air volume pumps which are capable to support in it high enough or low pressure of air are connected. It provides an extention settled deposits and its tap from a surface or its rejection far away with the help blowed air. By means of air volume it is possible to struggle and with a fog.

State of affairs: - A design and necessary details approximate calculation, proceeding from the maximum values of all parametres is developed, carried out. It is necessary to execute industrial drawings.

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